Thursday, October 15, 2020

Arjun Turns SIX!


My baby boy,who was just born yesterday turned SIX!

Every birthday is special but this year it is extra special because this is one of our most difficult years ever..with the pandemic still not behind us,all of us are looking forward to one silver lining,one happy occasion so that even if it is for a little while,we can forget all about Covid and enjoy and celebrate the day.

We traveled to Bangalore to be with family to celebrate Arjun's birthday.It was such a happy feeling to be reunited with family and though he missed having his friends around for the birthday celebration,he was very happy to celebrate it with family.

He did not have any special demands for the birthday cake this year.I zeroed in on this cake as currently,Kitkat is one of his favorite chocolates.

I made a three layer cake with Chocolate,Strawberry and Vanilla sponge.Made it eggless too as my mother-in-law doesn't eat cake with eggs.With some yummy homemade food and family as company,we indeed had a lovely time and that's what is important right? Birthday or not :)