Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Rulaava Bhakri/Doddak ~ Rava Dosa,Konkani style!

Its been a while since I last updated any breakfast dishes here.Though I am not the one who comes up with varieties of breakfast dishes day after day unlike my amma and ma-in-law,I do whip up some instant dishes.Of late,we’ve been trying to incorporate diet dishes into our menu and I’ve almost said bye-bye to rice based breakfast dishes for a while.So no idli-dosa,puttu-idiyappam etc etc.We have Wheat flakes and Oats Porridge on alternate days and I make Rava upma or semiya upma on some days.

During one such boring breakfast making days,I remembered this yummy dosa that ma-in-law makes.Though it cant be technically called dosa,I prefer to call it thick rava dosa.It is called Rulava bhakri/doddak otherwise.There are many different ways you could go about making these,I followed ma-in-law’s recipe verbatim.

Rulaava Bhakri/Doddak ~ Thick Rava dosa


Rava – 1 cup
Atta/wheat flour – ¼ cup
Grated coconut – 3-4 tbsp
Green chilly – 2
Ginger – finely chopped,1’ piece
Coriander seeds – 1 tsp
Curd/buttermilk – ½ cup
Water as required
Coriander leaves – ½ a bunch,finely chopped
Sugar – 2 tbsp
Salt to taste


Grind together green chillies,ginger,coriander seeds and coconut to a coarse paste.
Mix together curd and a few tbsp water[if using buttermilk,keep it as is].
Add the coarse paste to the buttermilk and mix well.
Add sugar and salt to taste and finely chopped coriander leaves.
Mix the rava slowly and make a thickish batter.
Add more water if required,but the batter should be of thick consistency.
Now add the atta and mix well.
In a dosa pan,smear some oil and pour a ladleful of batter and spread thinly.
Add some oil/ghee and flip over.
When it becomes brownish on both sides,remove and serve.
Ideally,bhakri is served with dollops of butter,but it can be had plain too.


  1. konkani cooking is so nice, i especially love the arbi leaves dish.

  2. sounds yummy..i prefer such instant breakfasts because I get only a few minutes to make one...

  3. Delicious and definitely a filling breakfast, very new to me..

  4. We make this slightly differently.. been ages since I made this for breakfast.. Thanks for reminding.. will make it soon..I am on the look out for non rice based breakfast dishes! BTW loved your wide array of diwali delicacies..I loved the phenori especially..

  5. hi Divya. hope ur Diwali was good. The Doddak I have heard of but never tried. Your version looks simple to make, thanks to ur ma-in law to and you for sharing.

  6. Ok, I always loved rava dosa, because it's easy. I like urs too, new and nice!

  7. I love this... make it often... slightly different... no buttermilk: http://chefatwork.blogspot.com/2007/09/rulaama-doddak.html

  8. Very nice dish for a quick breakfast. I remembered my mom's dosas after seeing your photos. My mom would put a small piece of turmeric leaf when she put the batter on the tava and the dosa would taste divine with the sweet aroma of turmeric leaf. I am planning to grow turmeric leaf at home next spring as we do not get it here in the market.

  9. I just love rullava bhakri. we make slightly differently, but it's more or less similar. I am hungry now!!

  10. Look like adai! Dish is quiet filling!

  11. New dish to me and it looks yum!! surely will try .

  12. Its 1 of my fav - to make and to eat.

    I dont put wheat flour, corriander lvs. Instead sugar put jaggary. I also put extra ripe bananas if its around, rarely though.

  13. Thank you very much....I always asked my mother how to prepare it and when the time came to make it I would forget....I actually did search for 'rulav bhakri' in google (without any hope ofcourse!) ..but to my surprise I landed correctly...

    I am sure every one adds their their own unique touch: My mother makes rulav bhakri with grounded cucumber...

  14. Yummy dish. I am grown up eating rulava bhakri atleast once in fortnight. So filling and tasty it is. Thanks for sharing this recipe with readers.


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