Friday, October 23, 2009

Haldi Doodh/Turmeric Milk ~ Medicinal Food

Diwali fever is slowly dying down,literally.As someone said,Cold&fever has become a given after Diwali crackers these days.One of us somehow manage to catch the virus.This year,it was Ajay.Bad cold,high temperature and heavy chest congestion.Hah..a sad aftermath of the festival of lights and crackers.Though the debate is still on whether or not to completely avoid crackers,I don’t think we can associate this festival without crackers,diyas and sweets.Until next year..:)

Along with the usual medicines,Haldi doodh/Turmeric milk gets made when we have throat related illnesses.I don’t know how this humble milk became almost medicinal but it does wonders to the sore throat.A warm cup of haldi doodh and a sound sleep,you are fresh the next morning!!

Disclaimer – This is not a medicine and cannot be had as a sole cure for cold or throat infection.
Haldi Doodh/Turmeric Milk ~ Medicinal food


Milk – 1 cup
Raw sugar/Palm sugar/Sugar candy – 1 tbsp
Peppercorns – 2-3,crushed
Cardamom – 1,seeds crushed
Haldi/Turmeric – ½ tsp


Mix everything together and boil for 2 minutes on low flame.
Close with a lid and keep aside for 5 minutes or so.
Strain and have it warm.


  1. Healthy and refreshing Milk. Nice post dear.

  2. Prefect remedy!i do this milk too..

  3. What a sweetheart! :) I have never had this milk before, should note it down definitely!

  4. yes, tumeric +pepper + milk does work wnderss :)

    but i take mune with 1 tsp of haldi, and 1 tsp of crushed pepper :D

    the stonger the better ;)

  5. I agree, Diwali wouldn't be "Diwali" without the crackers!
    I too give this milk to my teddies; you can also add crushed saffron strands to the milk instead of the turmeric; it gives a lot of relief even for dry coughs! nice post:)

  6. Warm and comforting on cold day. Nice picture and post.

  7. Divya - I grew up with this milk - had it everytime I had a cough or a cold or - even if I'm healthy, I sometimes drink this -and I love it super hot! This and milagau rasam are grandmas' cold fix and works always - but I did like your little disclaimer! LOL

  8. Hope he is doing good with ur home made remedies!

  9. Always had them when I had cold. I give to my daughter now. We add a little butter just before drinking.

  10. my mom gives this to me with a dash of pepper powder whenever i am down with a cough/sore throat. the best thing ever!

  11. I always have this when down with cold and cough, the best natural remedy ever!

  12. This is a great remedy for cough. I too make it the same way. I add crushed ginger too.
    Nice post!

  13. Very true. this milk gives a good soothing effect. We too prepare like this.

  14. I remember being given this when I was a kid. Must try and persuade m daughter to have some. She's got a sore throat now.

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  16. My parents always gave us haldi doodh the minute we had a cold coming. I used to love it. I make it now with vanilla soymilk and it's delicious.
    Thanks for some lovely memories, Divya!

  17. When ever my son gets cold i will this only.good one

  18. I just tried making one for my cough, and boy, it did its purpose! I will now keep drinking this whenever im sick


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